Healthcare With a Proactive Approach

By identifying at-risk employees, our onsite healthcare professional can work with these employees to lower their risk.

Without identifying the at-risk employees to the employer, The Working Clinic™ can develop personalized assistance plans, under physician direction, to discretely work with the employee to decrease their risk at developing a chronic disease. Our providers maintain strict confidentiality at the individual level,  this level of visibility allows them to target efforts on the employees that need it most, proactively addressing the health issues (or even predicted issues) of the employees most likely to drive health care costs to your organization.

Through consistent, convenient and confidential assistance, the employees can use their personalized plans to meet goals set forth by our onsite healthcare professional and the physician. Various personalized plans can include:

  • weight counseling and management
  • nutrition counseling and advice
  • stress management programs
  • step programs with provided pedometers
  • group ‘lunch and learn’ sessions
  • tobacco cessation counseling
  • and more…

By working with these at-risk employees, employer not only gain happier and healthier employees, but also avoid claims and develop a healthier bottom line.