Is Warren Buffett Accurate When He Refers to Ballooning Health Care Costs as the Tapeworm On the U.S. Economic System?

from a CNBC Squawk Box interview, February 2018

Consider this:

Fact #1

Health care spending is growing 2 times faster than household incomes.

Fact #2

Hospital prices have increased by nearly 600% in the since 1990.

Fact #3

1 in 4 adults risk their life by foregoing needed care, due to health care costs.

Fact #4

Employers spend $810B on health care, expected to rise to $2T by 2040.

Employers are running out of affordable options – and deductibles can only be raised so high.

Are you ready for a better solution?

For NO UP-FRONT investment and a low monthly fee, The Working Clinic™ provides employees unlimited access to direct primary care, resulting in less time away from work for appointments, fewer doctor office visits, urgent care, and E.R. visits, early detection of chronic conditions, and many other benefits.  70 to 90% of the reasons employees leave work for a medical appointment can be handled on-site at The Working Clinic™.  This results in a drastic reduction of claims against the plan.

Additionally, Workers Comp injuries and other Occ. Med. services including pre-employment physicals and drug testing can be handled at the clinic.  Our specially trained on-site medical professional can also handle all of your wellness initiatives.  Free annual biometric screenings, weight management, smoking cessation programs, unlimited lunch and learns, walk and talks, plus much more are provided with The Working Clinic™.

Physicians assigned to your on-site clinic are certified to provide care in your state and are trained and experienced in The Working Clinic™ technology.  The physicians are equipped with the tools necessary to evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, treat and follow-up.  Unlike solutions using Nurse Practitioners or other Mid-Level providers, we use only Board-Certified physicians licensed in your state to bring the full care scope of a physician to your employees (request a full list of diagnoses address and services provided.)

The Working Clinic™ services include:

Primary care examination, diagnosis, prescribing medications, follow-up care, etc.

Workers Comp, Occ. Med., Flu shots

MD oversight of weight management, BP, blood sugar, nutrition, exercise, tobacco cessation, and biometric screenings

Unlimited access to direct primary care doctors

Referrals to plan specialists & coordination of care for chronic conditions

Laboratory, venipuncture, blood work

Call today for a customized ROI estimate and a demo of The Working Clinic™!